
Credits and copyright


All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, disk, or otherwise, without written permission from the author. Where the website provides for the download of texts and various information material, they are intended to facilitate reading and storage on the personal computer locally, this does not authorize the site visitor to replicate the publication on the internet on other sites, or to package unauthorized documentation.

Photo credits

Home page, Questions and Answers section ?, Pages of the References section:
The images of private homes in the References section have been published with the authorization of their respective owners

Rising humidity page - our ultimate solution

wall damaged by capillary rising (AdobeStock_75740541)
images of the ruined walls (The images of private homes have been published with the permission of their respective owners)

Where does rising damp occur?
images of the ruined walls (The images of private homes have been published with the permission of their respective owners)

Symptoms of rising damp:

Symptoms 1,2, 4,5,6,8 (images of the various symptoms of humidity) These are the images of private homes that are published with the authorization of their respective owners.
Image 3 of bubbles and bulges. (AdobeStock_165584155)
Image 7 of the peeling plaster (Shutterstock_510742015)

The solution - Installation:

The photo of the technician installing the Aquapol device - (The photo owned by Aquapol International)
The photo of the technician doing the sampling (The photograph owned by Aquapol West Europe)
The photo of the thermo balance (Photo owned by Aquapol West Europe)
The photo of the technicians carrying out the check (Photo owned by Aquapol West Europe)
The photos of the salt measurements (The photographs owned by Aquapol West Europe)

About Us - FAQ:

Top down view of person typing on laptop (Tierney / Adobe Stock / # 120430297)
The photographs of the before and after the Aquapol installation (The images of a private house have been published with the authorization of their respective owners)

About Us - AQUAPOL:

Photo by W. Mohorn (photography owned by Aquapol International)
Aquapol production photos (photo owned by Aquapol International)

About Us - Patent:

The image of the Aquapol brochure inside (images owned by Aquapol West Europe)

About Us - Search:

Photographs of individuals and the photograph in the Aquapol book are all property of Aquapol International